The day had passed by at seemingly regular intervals-nothing too fast, nothing too slow. I made an outing to go to the post office, which is located in one of the blockhouses to send off some post cards. The woman there always appears to be pleased to have somebody come in & it almost seems like she willfully draws out the procedure- just to prolong having company. She tried her best to speak to me in English only once confusing “please” for “thank you”. I made a trip to the “pood”- store that is located in a different one of the blockhouses. I had ordered some more soap to come there- so I didn't want to let them down by not following through with the purchase. It turns out to be a stronger soap for hand washing clothes- but it has a similar enough look and feel. After roughly cutting out all of the stanchion forms, to be refined tomorrow- I decided to take yet another walk before the sun went down. I had noticed some old playground equipment that intrigued me in the kindergarten playground and I wanted to go back and photograph it after the kids went home. It appears a tad outdated & yet very charming.
My walk was the usual solitary peacefulness that I had expected- until I noticed a dog barking fiercely as I approached. I have always been a bit wary of dogs-even from behind fences- I tend to speed up my stride, but this dog was on the loose & wagging his tail. I tried to calm him down by making whistling sounds & trying to make him docile by treating him as though he was just a friendly old dog. It seemed to work- he backed off and I noticed that he had returned to someone laying on the side of the road- which at first rather alarmed me. I thought maybe someone had gotten hurt or fallen over, but then I noticed a beer bottle & I put two & two together. I had my camera in my pocket and I spontaneously decided to take a picture of the scene, which irritated the dog and he approached me again. Perhaps he could smell my fear- he just started coming towards me in a very intimidating way while growling and showing his teeth. I think my adrenaline kicked in at that point and I began sprinting and yelling "go away" not knowing what he would do if he caught up- I ran all the way back to MoKS even though the loyal & protective dog had returned to his inebriated master.
Estonian word of the day: "Kartus" meaning fear.
Beautiful photos! Keep on snapping!
Ce genre de promenade solitaire - hormis la rencontre facheuse avec le chien blanc (!) - doit fortement te changer de NYC... suerte
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