I had a cup of coffee a little too late in the day yesterday and it kept me up through most of the night. At 430- it was already light outside- I felt an urge to get up and walk around- but at the same time knew that I wanted to get some rest for the following day. I think I fell asleep- once I forgot that I was trying to fall asleep, and so it is. This morning Evelyn, John, Sarah and I made another trip into the town of Polva-where we went to the "palace of cultural affairs"- & the three of them submitted pieces for a juried show on nature. Sarah's painting was still wet- but she signed the back and handed it over to the man in charge. We watched some of John's piece- a video of Evelyn speaking to a lake in Estonian while floating. The water half filled her eye sockets as she spoke.
Afterwards Sarah could not get her car started- it was rather a funny moment when she grabbed a long metal rod from the back seat & opened the hood of the car to bang on something several times, which was to help the starter somehow- but it just made us all laugh at the absurdity of this gesture- somehow being a remedy to a car that wouldn’t start. Eventually she realized that she had forgotten to put it in the park mode before she had turned the car off- and that had humorously been the only problem. Afterwards we drove to a small mini mall where we ate at a little restaurant overlooking a lake. We looked at the world map that I had just bought and talked about where we had each been- where we were interested to go etc. We talked a little bit about map orientation and how that can reveal certain national biases- altering what is in the middle-& even which way is up and down. Despite there being a north and a south pole- who is to say which way is up and which way is down in a universe with infinite space in all directions?
Estonian word of the day: "lootma" meaning hope.
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