Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kuna sa tunned üksildust?

I have decided to ask the students tomorrow the following questions: "what makes you feel alone" ="Mis paneb sind üksildust tundma?" & "when do you feel isolated?"="kuna sa tunned üksildust?" I have given my dad, Mark, instructions to ask Marcel next time he calls to ask twenty inmates on his unit the same questions. The responses will be included in the exhibition: "From Marcel To Mooste".
Night has finally fallen, and I have taken my routine hour walk into the post- soviet countryside with dusty roads, green grass and tilled earth that seems to rise up above me- obscuring the horizon. I have eaten my ration of borsht and potato cakes. I have showered & inspected for ticks, as they can be quite treacherous. I have prepped the soap for tomorrow’s school children. I guess I can put on my nightcap, or thinking cap. I have been having very vivid dreams, almost restless nights. I need to keep paper & a pen near my bed-for those art ideas that seem so amazing in the middle of the night, & so obscure upon awakening.
Estonian word of the day:"Terviseks!" meaning Cheers!


Manoël said...

my word of the day : "suerte"

anna marie rockwell said...

merci manoel! it worked-

Manoël said...
