It is my last night here in Mooste as a MoKS artist in residence. It has been a very peaceful, thought provoking month of May. Today I woke up early and caught a ride into Tartu with Sarah. I went to the university cafeteria, & sat down with a cup of "gunpowder tea". It was nice to be in the university atmosphere full of young intellectual hubbub. I then went to the Y Galerii and sat in the back again working on a drawing. I asked Kaisa about whether there had been a response from the local prison. She said that not yet, but that she had heard back from a young woman's correctional institution- & that they were interested to make a visit to the exhibition. Kaisa sent the interview between her and I to Sirp, and I guess it will come out next Friday.
It can be seen online at (
Also there is an article in local Tartu paper: ( It is going to be a strange feeling not to have to write a blog tomorrow night. Thanks to all of you who have followed or frequented my blog. I recommend this residency for artists who are looking for solitude, enjoy nature, & strive to make work, which is socially conscious. For more information check out their website: ( For those of you who would like to continue to follow my work my future website will be If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding this blog- I can be reached through email: Also my brother Marcel's projected release date is December 29, 2009- & between now and then he would greatly appreciate getting any letters- and he is very good about writing back. Letters to Marcel can be sent to my email address and I will print them out and send them to him prompty. Thanks.
Hi Anna,
I have been copying your blog for Granny. We have both been enjoying keeping up with your travels. Really interesting.....
What's next???
Keep safe. Aunt Cheryl & Granny
Merci pour ces Carnets d'Estonie
Hi Anna,
Very interseting blog about your travels. I have been looking for some place online where I can get some Estonian translated. Whatever is avaliable in not developed enough. I was wondering if you would know something. Keep writing and stay well.
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